I just recently finished Margaret Atwood's "In Other Worlds: SF & the Human Imagination" and had to find a place for it on the bookshelf. Were there ever a lot of Atwood books already there! I guess I like her writing, which I was first introduced to back in 1978 or '79 when I read The Edible Woman. Reading everything between the covers of In Other Worlds, I discovered that "Oryx & Crake" and "The Year of the Flood" are part of a trilogy. How did I miss this? Mr Google helped out: "Maddaddam" is due to be published in September of this year. Yay!
In addition to my own reading, I and James (my husband) read with our ten year old daughter nightly. At the moment we are having quite a laugh reading Salman Rushdie's "Haroun and the Sea of Stories". This was a book I picked up more than 20 years ago at the PEN benefit in Toronto, when Rushdie made his first public appearance after being in hiding for several years. It was certainly a night to remember, though I was terribly worried that the whole of Canadian literature (every living Canadian writer I had heard of, and then some, were standing on one stage to welcome Rushdie) could be wiped out by some mad person in the audience. Happily it didn't happen.